Laura Neese | Dance Projects

Premiere - 2024 Green Space Take Root, NYC
eukrasia: (ancient Greek“good mixture”) a state of health, balanced harmony between the humors
In eukrasia Neese draws from her studies of the body in movement and on the dissection table, to engage body as both subject and matter, exploring inner workings, function, expression, and the water and fibrous animal stuff that make us all. Through a combination of improvisational and set choreographic structures, dancers ebb and flow between balance and imbalance, structure and disorder. Referencing the Greek notion of the four humors, the work explores the living, moving systems of the human body. The work invites collaborators and audiences to consider -what if ? What if we looked inwards, and noticed our shared human structures -in all of their varied beauty, resilience, and vulnerability? How could we move in the world and engage with others – once we recognize ourselves – with wonder?
Choreography: Laura Neese, in collaboration with performers. Performer-Collaborators: Tommy Batchelor, Kelsey Kempner, Julia Manwaring, Jonathan Matthews-Guzman, Fiona Thomas, Andi Pei
Sound: Human Harmonic Project by Robot Repair
Sound Editing: Laura Neese
Costumes: Laura Neese
Photography: David Rauch @davidrauchphotos
Videography: Joseph Heitman, @onedaydance